Massage Q & A
Q: What is equine massage?
A: Massage is an holistic therapy that involves a range of comprehensive hands on techniques to manipulate the soft tissue and joints, relax and stimulate the horses body promoting overall wellbeing. The purpose of massage is to help aid the horse during times of stress, rehabilitation from injury, muscle pain, aid muscle tone and enhance range of movement. All horses can benefit from the therapy from youngsters to veterans, happy hackers to elite performance horses.
Q: How will massage benefit my horse and what types are available?
A: Massage has a multitude of benefits for your horse from increasing circulation, enhancing muscle tone, general relaxation and improved performance. Treatments can be tailored to suit the horse’s specific needs and can have fantastic results not only to the physical element of the horse but also the psychological. The following headings are examples of benefits that your horse can recieve in area types of massage.
Q: Why do I need to check with my vet if my horse can have massage?
A: Under the requirements of The Veterinary Act 1966, A Equine Massage Practitioner will need permission to proceed treatement from the client’s veterinarian prior to a treatment session. A consent form is available on the day and prior to the day from this web site for your veterianian to fill in and sign. N.B We work within all guidelines of The Veterinary Act and with your veterinarian to enhance your horse’s overall care and comfort. We do however understand that veterianians are busy and sometimes are not able to sign the forms required due to time. As long as verbal consent is obtained from your veterianrian and all partys involved are happy to proceed then treatment can be undertaken.
When might my Horse need Massage?
Horses like humans will present signs or symptoms which indicate they could be in need of massage treatment/s. The following are common characteristics that can present within the horse these signs can occur singularly or as a multiple.
Shortness or a change within the horses stride
Problems maintaining or “striking off” on the correct canter lead
Stiffness or lack of flexion on one or both reins
Resistance to being or lateral work
Coordination issues or tripping
Loss of balance
Loss of balance when jumping
Resistance to backing
Resistance to saddling or girthing
Irritated upon being touched or groomed
Kicking out
Resistance or issues when being seen to by the farrier
Threatening or biting upon touch or tacking up
Change within body shape
Intermittent lameness
Azoturia (Monday Morning Sickness)
Delayed recovery from work or performance
Fall or injury
Recovery from Surgery
Change in personality
If any of these characteristics sound familiar then please feel free to get in touch for further guidance.
Q: Can I have massage and other complimentory therapies as well?
A: Yes even if the if the horse is having other treatment regime massage therapy can be of great aid to other therapies such as Chiropractor, Physiotherapist, Reiki, Bowen etc....
Full Body Massage
Improves skin & coat
Improves muscle tone
Removes lactic acid and waste products from muscles which causes fatigue
Promotes drainage of the lymph glads
Boosts Circulation
Mobilizes Joints
Reduces tension
Releases muscle spasums
Increases range of movement and suppleness which can reduce repetavtive strain
Reduces crookedness
Improves coordination and balance
Aids correct muscle development
Can improve specific dicipline performace.
Remedial Massage
Including the benefits of full body plus....
Aid the reduction in healing time
Relives pain by encouraging the horse to release natural endorphons,
Helps aid the removal of scar tissue
Prvents muscle wastage after imjury
Aids muscle tone upkeep whilst on a period of rest such as box rest
Pre Compertition (Up to 1 hour Before)
Boosts blood circulation and helps drain lymph glands
Reduce injury possibilitys by increasing synovial fluid in the joints, working on know stress points, increasing range of movement and tissue elasticity
Helps improve mental focus
Can calm or stimulate the horse as and when required
Post Compertition (Up to 1 hour after)
Check for inital muscle trauma
Encourange lactic acid removal and the build up of carbon dioxide that causes fatigue
Boost blood circulation and promote lymp drainage
Reduce build up tension in muscles
Releases muscle spasums and stress points developing during the event
Prevent stiffness
Help aid recovery time.